Thursday, October 8, 2015

Election day

In first time, Yes, I´m going to vote in the next presidential election, because It is my form to demonstrate my opinion, but I understand that exist another’s forms to do this. For example, some people participle in political or social movements, or protest, etc.  I vote since I have 18 years old, and the vote was mandatory when you inscribe.
About electoral campaigns, I think they are crap, because politicians don´t show yours real proposals or ideology, they show and to say anything that the people want to hear for to get votes.
 I think that any persons who want to have a public position should be honest, emphatic, solidary, and should live like a poor people for this time. Only this they really going to work for the people who lives in this situation. Today, politicians live with a lot of money then they are far away from the normal people.
 When I was a child, I wanted to be a politician (or lawyer) because I loved to fight for justice and defend weak people, and I had a idealized conception about  who do a politician.

I think that electoral campaigns should be more honest, and the politicians would say t the people all the thing that they want and can do for the people and explain them why. Normal people need to know more about politics for to have a responsible vote or decide don´t vote.

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